Board Information

Provides an interface to control or get the board’s information, including:

  • Static board information (ex: module name, BIOS version, or manufacturer name)
  • Dynamical board information (ex: voltage, current, boot count or temperature)
  • Failure forensics (ex: restart event)

sysfs Interfaces

  • To get the board manufacturer name:

    cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/manufacturer_name
  • To get the board name

    cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/board_name
  • To get the board serial number

    cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/serial_number
  • To get the board BIOS version

    cat /sys/class/dmi/id/bios_version
  • To get the board hardware revision

    cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/hw_rev
  • To get the board boot loader version

    cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/bmc_boot_version
  • To get the BMC application version

    cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/application_version
  • To get the last system restart event

    cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/restart_event_str
  • To get the board last repair date

    cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/last_repair_date
  • To get the board manufactured date

    cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/manufactured_date
  • To get the board MAC Address

    cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/mac_address
  • To get the board second hardware revision

    cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/second_hw_rev
  • To get the board second serial number

    cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/second_ser_num
  • To get the board boot count

    cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/boot_counter_val
  • To get the board on time minutes

    cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/total_up_time
  • To get the board on time seconds

    cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/power_up_time
  • To get the board power cycles

    cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/power_cycles
  • To get the board restart event

    cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/restart_event
  • To get the BMC capabilities

    cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/capabilities
  • To get the BMC extended capabilities

    cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/capabilities_ext
  • To get the BMC flags

    cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/bmc_flags
  • To get the BMC status

    cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/bmc_status
  • To get the board main power current

    cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/main_current 
  • To get the board VCORE voltage value

    cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/voltage_vcore 
  • To get the board 2V5 voltage value

    cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/voltage_2v5
  • To get the board 3V3 voltage value

    cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/voltage_3v3
  • To get the board VBAT voltage value

    cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/voltage_vbat
  • To get the board 5V voltage value

    cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/voltage_5v
  • To get the board 5VSB voltage value

    cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/voltage_5vsb
  • To get the board 12V voltage value

    cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/voltage_12v
  • To get the board GFX-VCORE voltage value

    cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/voltage_gfx_vcore
  • To get the board 1V05 voltage value

    cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/voltage_1v05 
  • To get the board 1V5 voltage value

    cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/voltage_1v5
  • To get the board VIN voltage value

    cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/voltage_vin 
  • To get current position error log

    cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/cur_pos_error_log
  • To set position (read pointer) and get error log immediately

    echo 1 > /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/error_log
  • To set error number and get error number description immediately

    echo 88 > /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/err_num_des
    cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/err_num_des

    Note*: For example, 88 is one of the error number showed in error log. It may be change from platform to platform.

  • To set exception code and get exception description

    echo 0 > /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/exc_des
    cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/exc_des

SEMA EAPI (Both Windows & Linux supported)

uint32_t EApiBoardGetValue(uint32_t Id, uint8_t *pData, uint32_t nSize)


Information about the hardware platform.

  • Parameters:
    • uint32_t Id: refer to the following table to see the description for each ID
    • uint8_t *pData: the pointer to a buffer that receives the value’s data. This parameter can be NULL if the data is not required.
    • uint32_t nSize: the pointer to a variable that specifies the size, in bytes, of the buffer pointed to by the pBuffer parameter. When the function returns, this variable contains the size of the data copied to pBuffer including the terminating null character.
ID Description Units
EAPI_ID_GET_EAPI_SPEC_VERSION EAPI Specification Version used to implement API
EAPI_ID_HWMON_VOLTAGE_2V5 2.5V Voltage millivolts
EAPI_ID_HWMON_VOLTAGE_3V3 3.3V Voltage millivolts
EAPI_ID_HWMON_VOLTAGE_VBAT Battery Voltage millivolts
EAPI_ID_HWMON_VOLTAGE_5V 5V Voltage millivolts
EAPI_ID_HWMON_VOLTAGE_5VSB 5V Standby Voltage millivolts
EAPI_ID_HWMON_VOLTAGE_12V 12V Voltage millivolts
SEMA_EAPI_ID_BOARD_POWER_UP_TIME Get the operating time after power up seconds
SEMA_EAPI_ID_BOARD_RESTART_EVENT Get the restart event See Note 1
SEMA_EAPI_ID_BOARD_CAPABILITIES Get the capabilities of this board or system See Note 2
SEMA_EAPI_ID_BOARD_CAPABILITIES_EX Get extended BMC capabilities See Note 3
SEMA_EAPI_ID_BOARD_SYSTEM_MIN_TEMP Board Min Temperature 0.1 Kelvins
SEMA_EAPI_ID_BOARD_SYSTEM_MAX_TEMP Board Max Temperature 0.1 Kelvins
SEMA_EAPI_ID_BOARD_SYSTEM_STARTUP_TEMP Board Startup Temperature 0.1 Kelvins
SEMA_EAPI_ID_BOARD_CPU_MIN_TEMP CPU Min Temperature 0.1 Kelvins
SEMA_EAPI_ID_BOARD_CPU_MAX_TEMP CPU Max Temperature 0.1 Kelvins
SEMA_EAPI_ID_BOARD_CPU_STARTUP_TEMP CPU Startup Temperature 0.1 Kelvins
SEMA_EAPI_ID_BOARD_MAIN_CURRENT Get main power current unit: mA, resolution=1/10mA
SEMA_EAPI_ID_HWMON_VOLTAGE_1V05 1.05 V voltage millivolts
SEMA_EAPI_ID_HWMON_VOLTAGE_1V5 1.5 V voltage millivolts
SEMA_EAPI_ID_BOARD_2ND_SYSTEM_TEMP 2nd board Temperature 0.1 Kelvins
SEMA_EAPI_ID_BOARD_2ND_SYSTEM_MIN_TEMP 2nd board Min Temperature 0.1 Kelvins
SEMA_EAPI_ID_BOARD_2ND_SYSTEM_MAX_TEMP 2nd board Max Temperature 0.1 Kelvins
SEMA_EAPI_ID_BOARD_2ND_SYSTEM_STARTUP_TEMP 2nd board Startup Temperature 0.1 Kelvins
SEMA_EAPI_ID_BOARD_BMC_FLAG status of the BMC See Note 4

Note 1: The following table describes the definition of Restart Event:

Code Code Name Description
0x00 UNKNOWN Unknown reason of restart (shown only on first BMC power-up)
0x20 SW_RESET A reset by software caused the restart of the system
0x30 HW_RESET A reset by hardware caused the restart of the system (e.g. reset button)
0x40 WATCHDOG The Watchdog has restarted the system
0x50 BIOS_FAULT Standard BIOS is corrupted -> boot from Fail-Safe BIOS
0x60 POWER_DOWN The system was shut down (e.g. power button, ACPI shutdown)
0x70 POWER_LOSS The system is restarted after a power loss (e.g. external power supply instable or switched off while the system was running)
0x80 POWER_CYCLE The system is restarted after a power cycle (e.g. internal power supply has failed)
0x90 VIN_DROP The system is restarted after a voltage drop of the main input voltage
0xA0 PWR_FAIL The system is restarted after a PWRFAIL detection of an internal power supply circuit
0xB0 CRIT_TEMP The system was shut down by ACPI Watchdog (CPU reached critical temperature)
0xC0 WAKE_UP The system has received a wake event and resumes operation from a sleep state

Note 2: The following table describes the definition of BMC Capability Bits. it shows that which functions can be supported on your platform:

  • When Bit value goes to 1, it indicates enabled
  • When Bit value goes to 0, it indicates disabled
Bit Description
Bit 0 Uptime & power cycles counter supported
Bit 1 System restart event supported
Bit 2 1k USER flash memory available supported
Bit 3 Watchdog supported
Bit 4 Temperature sensors installed/available
Bit 5 Voltage sensors installed/available
Bit 6 Storage of failure reason available (exception code)
Bit 7 Boot loader timeout Configuration
Bit 8 Display control available
Bit 9 Power up watchdog available
Bit 10 the current sensors installed/available ??????
Bit 11 Boot counter supported
Bit 12 Input-Voltage0
Bit 13 Input-Voltage1
Bit 14 Rsense for Input-Voltage: 0=8 mR, 1=4 mR )
Bit 15 Fail-Safe-BIOS supported
Bit 16 Ext. I2C bus #1 available
Bit 17 Ext. I2C bus #2 available
Bit 18 CPU FAN available
Bit 19 System Fan available
Bit 20 AT/ATX mode supported
Bit 21 Thermal SCI supported
Bit 22 Power up to last state
Bit 23 Backlight restore
Bit 24 DTS register
Bit 25 DTS register offset
Bit 26 Smart fan #3 available
Bit 27 Smart fan #4 available
Bit 28 TIVA GPIOs support (12 GPIOs)
Bit 29 Ext. I2C bus #3 available
Bit 30 Ext. I2C bus #4 available
Bit 31 BMC is from TIVA type

Note 3: The following table describes the definition of the extended BMC Capability Bits:

Bit Description
Bit 32 Board2 Temperature supported
Bit 33 PEC protocol supported
Bit 34 reserved
Bit 35 Error log supported
Bit 36 1-Wire supported
Bit 37 Wake-by-BMC supported
Bit 38 GPIO ADC supported
Bit 39 SoftFan supported
Bit 40 Parameter memory supported
Bit 41 Extended I2C registers for status and data supported

Note 4: The following table describes the definition of the BMC Flag/Status:

Bit Description
Bit 7 BIOS Select
- Single BIOS = 0
- Fail-Safe-BIOS = 1
Bit 6 ATX Mode
- AT Mode = 0
- ATX mode = 1
Bit 5 reserved
Bit 0 - 4       Exception Code
Note: Code definition will be different for each hardware. please refer to ADLINK offifical Website to search for the Hardware User Manual or use EApiGetExceptionDescription

uint32_t EApiBoardGetStringA(uint32_t Id, uint8_t *pData, uint32_t nSize)


Information about the hardware platform.

  • Parameters:

    • uint32_t Id:

      Select ID number or Code name as the first parameter and refer to the following table for more details.

    • uint8_t *pData:

      Pointer to a buffer that receives the value’s data. This parameter can be NULL if the data is not required.

    • uint32_t nSize:

      Pointer to a variable that specifies the size, in bytes, of the buffer pointed to by the pBuffer parameter. When the function returns, this variable contains the size of the data copied to pBuffer including the terminating null character

ID Description Format
EAPI_ID_BOARD_MANUFACTURER_STR Board manufacturer name String
EAPI_ID_BOARD_NAME_STR Board name String
EAPI_ID_BOARD_SERIAL_STR Serial number String
EAPI_ID_BOARD_HW_REVISION_STR HW revision string String
SEMA_EAPI_ID_BOARD_BOOT_VERSION_STR Boot version string String
SEMA_EAPI_ID_BOARD_APPLICATION_VERSION_STR Firmware application version string String
SEMA_EAPI_ID_BOARD_MAC_STRING MAC address on module String
SEMA_EAPI_ID_BOARD_2ND_HW_REVISION_STR 2nd HW revision string String
SEMA_EAPI_ID_BOARD_2ND_SERIAL_STR 2nd HW serial string String

uint32_t EApiBoardGetVoltageMonitor(uint8_t channel, uint32_t *pValue, char *pBuffer)


There will be different definition of Voltage on every channel for each hardware platform. please refer to ADLINK official website to search for the Hardware User Manual.

  • Parameters:

    • uint8_t channel:
      Select Channel number or Channel name as the first parameter

    • uint32_t *pValue:

      Pointer to a buffer that receives the value’s data

    • char *pBuffer:

      Pointer to a buffer that receives the description string

ID Description Format Units
SEMA_EAPI_ID_HWMON_VOLTAGE_AIN0 voltage from channel 0 &string millivolts
SEMA_EAPI_ID_HWMON_VOLTAGE_AIN1 voltage from channel 1 &string millivolts
SEMA_EAPI_ID_HWMON_VOLTAGE_AIN2 voltage from channel 2 &string millivolts
SEMA_EAPI_ID_HWMON_VOLTAGE_AIN3 voltage from channel 3 &string millivolts
SEMA_EAPI_ID_HWMON_VOLTAGE_AIN4 voltage from channel 4 &string millivolts
SEMA_EAPI_ID_HWMON_VOLTAGE_AIN5 voltage from channel 5 &string millivolts
SEMA_EAPI_ID_HWMON_VOLTAGE_AIN6 voltage from channel 6 &string millivolts
SEMA_EAPI_ID_HWMON_VOLTAGE_AIN7 voltage from channel 7 &string millivolts
SEMA_EAPI_ID_HWMON_VOLTAGE_AIN8 voltage from channel 8 &string millivolts
SEMA_EAPI_ID_HWMON_VOLTAGE_AIN9 voltage from channel 9 &string millivolts
SEMA_EAPI_ID_HWMON_VOLTAGE_AIN10 voltage from channel 10 &string millivolts
SEMA_EAPI_ID_HWMON_VOLTAGE_AIN11 voltage from channel 11 &string millivolts
SEMA_EAPI_ID_HWMON_VOLTAGE_AIN12 voltage from channel 12 &string millivolts
SEMA_EAPI_ID_HWMON_VOLTAGE_AIN13 voltage from channel 13 &string millivolts
SEMA_EAPI_ID_HWMON_VOLTAGE_AIN14 voltage from channel 14 &string millivolts
SEMA_EAPI_ID_HWMON_VOLTAGE_AIN15 voltage from channel 15 &string millivolts

uint32_t EApiBoardGetErrorLog(
uint32_t position,
uint32_t *ErrorNumber,
uint8_t *Flags,
uint8_t *RestartEvent,
uint32_t *PwrCycles,
uint32_t *Bootcount,
uint32_t *Time,
uint16_t *Status,
signed char *CPUtemp,
signed char *Boardtemp


Get Error number history in the BMC. Failures in the Power Sequence are shown on the BMC status LED at the time where the issue occurs. The Error Log buffer stores those Power Sequence issues in an Error Log buffer. Beside of the displayed Error Code, the Error Log also stores information about the actual state and counters for better tracking of the issues. The latest entry in the Error Log Buffer is always found on position 0. The previous entry is found on position 1 and so on.

  • Parameters:

    • uint32_t position:

      The pointer point to the log to be read

    • uint32_t *ErrorNumber:

      Error Number. To get the detailed description, please use EApiGetErrorNumberDescription

    • uint8_t *Flags:

      Exception Code, selected BIOS and Power Mode ( see EApiBoardGetValue function and SEMA_EAPI_ID_BOARD_BMC_FLAG parameter to mention about the definition of Exception Flag). To get the detailed description from exception code, please use EApiGetExceptionDescription

      Note: Exception Code will be different for each hardware. please refer to ADLINK official website to search for the Hardware User Manual to check your codes.

    • uint8_t *RestartEvent:

      System Restart Event (see EApiBoardGetValue function and SEMA_EAPI_ID_BOARD_RESTART_EVENT parameter to mention about the definition of Restart Event)

    • uint32_t *PwrCycles:

      Power Cycles Counter

    • uint32_t *Bootcount:
      Boot Counter

    • uint32_t *Time:

      Ontime Counter (seconds)

    • uint16_t *Status:

      Status information from BMC status command

    • signed char *CPUtemp:

      Current CPU temperature (if available)

    • signed char *Boardtemp:

      Current Board temperature (if available)

uint32_t EApiBoardGetCurErrorLog(
uint32_t *ErrorNumber,
uint8_t *Flags,
uint8_t *RestartEvent,
uint32_t *PwrCycles,
uint32_t *Bootcount,
uint32_t *Time,
uint16_t *Status,
signed char *CPUtemp,
signed char *Boardtemp


Get Error number history in the BMC. Failures in the Power Sequence are shown on the BMC status LED at the time where the issue occurs. The Error Log buffer stores those Power Sequence issues in an Error Log buffer. Beside of the displayed Error Code, the Error Log also stores information about the actual state and counters for better tracking of the issues. After retrieving the Error Log, the position will be automatically moved to next position (previous record).

  • Parameters:

    • uint32_t *ErrorNumber:

      Error Number. To get the detailed description, please use EApiGetErrorNumberDescription

    • uint8_t *Flags:

      Exception Code, selected BIOS and Power Mode ( see EApiBoardGetValue function and SEMA_EAPI_ID_BOARD_BMC_FLAG parameter) To get the detailed description from exception code, please use SemaEApiBoardGetExceptionDescription

      Note: Exception Code will be different for the platforms. please refer to ADLINK official website to search for the Hardware User Manual to check your codes.

    • uint8_t *RestartEvent:

      System Restart Event (see EApiBoardGetValue function and SEMA_EAPI_ID_BOARD_RESTART_EVENT parameter to mention about the definition of Restart Event)

    • uint32_t *PwrCycles:

      Power Cycles Counter

    • uint32_t *Bootcount:

      Boot Counter

    • uint32_t *Time:

      Ontime Counter (seconds)

    • uint16_t *Status:

      Status information from BMC status command

    • signed char *CPUtemp:

      Current CPU temperature (if available)

    • signed char *Boardtemp:

      Current Board temperature (if available)

uint32_t EApiGetErrorNumberDescription(uint32_t ErrorNum, uint8_t* pBuffer)


Get text information of the Error number in the error log (get from EApiBoardGetErrorLog).

  • Parameters:

    • uint32_t ErrorNum:

      The Error number (Exception Code) ( Please refer to ADLINK offifical Website to search for Hardware User Manual)

    • uint8_t* pBuffer:

      The description of error number.

uint32_t EApiGetExceptionDescription(uint32_t ErrorCode, uint8_t* pBuffer)


Get text information of the Exception Code

  • Parameters:

    • uint32_t ErrorNum:

      The Error number (Exception Code) ( Please refer to ADLINK offifical Website to search for Hardware User Manual)

    • uint8_t* pBuffer:

      The description of error number