Backlight Control

sysfs Interface

  • To get the current Backlight Enable State

    cat /sys/class/backlight/adl-bmc-bklight/bl_power
  • To Set the current Backlight Enable State to either ON / OFF

    echo  > /sys/class/backlight/adl-bmc-bklight/bl_power

    For Example,

    To enable the backlight: $ echo 1 > /sys/class/backlight/adl-bmc-bklight/bl_power

    To Disable the backlight: $ echo 0 > /sys/class/backlight/adl-bmc-bklight/bl_power

  • To get the current Backlight Brightness level

    cat /sys/class/backlight/adl-bmc-bklight/actual_brightness
  • To Set the current Backlight brightness level

    echo > /sys/class/backlight/adl-bmc-bklight/brightness

    For Example, to set the brightness level of 78: $ echo 78 > /sys/class/backlight/adl-bmc-bklight/brightness

SEMA EAPI (Both Windows & Linux supported)

uint32_t EApiVgaGetBacklightEnable(uint32_t PanelId, uint32_t *pEnable)


Returns current Backlight status for specified Flat Panel


  • uint32_t PanelId: Select Backlight IDs as the first parameter
ID Description
EAPI_ID_BACKLIGHT_1 Backlight Local Flat Panel 1
  • uint32_t *pEnable: indicate the status for on/off
ID Description
EAPI_BACKLIGHT_SET_ON Requests/Signifies that the backlight is enabled
EAPI_BACKLIGHT_SET_OFF Requests/Signifies that the backlight is disabled

uint32_t EApiVgaSetBacklightEnable(uint32_t PanelId,  uint32_t Enable)


Set the enable status for specified Flat Panel


  • uint32_t PanelId: select ID or code name as the first parameter
ID Description
EAPI_ID_BACKLIGHT_1 Backlight Local Flat Panel 1
  • uint32_t Enable: select ID for Backlight Enable Values
ID Description
EAPI_BACKLIGHT_SET_ON Requests/Signifies that the backlight is enabled
EAPI_BACKLIGHT_SET_OFF Requests/Signifies that the backlight is disabled

uint32_t EApiVgaGetBacklightBrightness(uint32_t PanelId, uint32_t *pBright)


Get the current the value of brightness


  • uint32_t PanelId: select ID or code name as the first parameter
ID Description
EAPI_ID_BACKLIGHT_1 Backlight Local Flat Panel 1
  • uint32_t *pBright: the pointer to a buffer that receives the current backlight brightness level.

uint32_t EApiVgaSetBacklightBrightness(uint32_t PanelId, uint32_t Bright)


Set the current the value of brightness


  • uint32_t PanelId: select ID or code name as the first parameter
ID Description
EAPI_ID_BACKLIGHT_1 Backlight Local Flat Panel 1
  • uint32_t Bright: configure backlight Brightness level and maximum level goes to 255